As I sit within the confines of my mind
Do I hear your voices echo
Sending a shiver down my spine
Sending me into a place of restless fear
For not what you did
Nor for wont of a better word what I had done
More for whom you have become
Mere words can never express
No emotion could bring the truth
The sad sad truth
To what you now are
I sit sometimes in front of the building
At where we once did inhabit
I wonder in somewhat of a nonchalant way
While sipping my coffee
So fresh
So piping hot
I wonder to where you went
Once the deed was done
I say deed
When it really should be murder
It was really
You know it for what it became
You lied
You stole
Should you stand now before me you would find
You would find the bitter side to a hot cup of java
You would find my back
As it walked away from you
The liar
The thief
The lover
Gone now
So much like the Autumn leaves
So gone now
Like my heart
As the Winter winds pick it up and cast it to the four corners
So little do you know of those things you know so much of
So hated are you by blood of your very own
They whisper your name
Whisper it do they
For none miss the thing you became
So loved by many does this woman carry herself up on high
So loved now by none but herself
Does she find her soul so low
Hiding within the confines of the shadows
Blending into the darkness
To become something much more than they
As the sun shines do the shadows dance
All but one
As the shadows dance does this one remain motionless
I cry for you
For what you became
I cry for the shadow
That became a darker shade of black