Shadows by your bed at night
Darker than the night itself it stands out like black on white
The dripping of the faucet whispers cruel intentions
Evil it seems has escaped your dreams
Escaped your room
The very darkness it once needed to survive
Out it has gone into the world to wreak havoc upon those you love
I saw a woman today on the news
No more sense of dignity she cries for all to see
Crying for her son killed in another senseless war
She has joined the common ground of the enemy
Their tears mix together forever morning the loss of a child
Their tears
Both are salty to the taste
No difference
Except in belief
A cloud in the distant sky takes the shape of a giant mushroom
God it seems, likes to taunt us with the inevitable future we have set for ourselves
When one day we shall all lay still throughout the world
Our souls open to the sky
So that God can see them torn