I watch as unknown cities pass beneath my feet one after the other
A sea of steal and glass
Wood and tile
Swimming pools and lush green gardens
Little ants scurry and drive through their daily lives as unknowing of me as I am of them
Soon those cities melt into towns growing smaller as each one passes
Until there is nothing but isolation with a thin line to drive you through it
Two towns in the middle of nowhere slid silently by
I lift my finger like a God bridging the gap between them
Then they are gone
And I shall never know their names
Maybe it’s better that way
You know, a kind of mystery
Always wondering
The flat land suddenly gives way to the roaring heights of the mountains as they
Stretch their arms to the heavens
Trees cover the lands
Hill after hill seemingly endless
Until I notice them growing thinner
Something that looks like a gash appears through
Its very heart
A road.
For the loggers to come and go
I could see the distant haze from the trucks as they kick up the dirt loaded full with giant
Trees that probably took hundreds of years to grow
Cut down in minutes
Almost like they were cutting out the earth’s soul
The planes shadow races ahead of us as we quickly leave the horrors behind.
Soon small towns begin to appear again
Growing larger as every minute goes by
I look into the distance and see the city as it loom large against the horizon
I prepare myself
To be lost
Once again
In its towering gray walls