I wrote this on one of my last trips up to Seattle, I had to go(very begrudgingly I must add) 2-3 days a week on Amtrak for 6 months to cover after we lost an employee (never could find him) but the trip in most cases was bloody terrible, almost always late from an hour up to 3-4 hours. You try sitting in a cramped seat for 6-8 hours see where your mind takes you.
Even though the views were stunning after the first month it all just melted together like the work of a street artist on acid…
Cattle Train
Those sweet sweet kisses caressing the moonlit night
Memories of pasts present future
Water laps at my heart, as tracks of iron bid thy passage north
Heavy heart does it go into the rising suns glare
As tree after tree, town after town shows me mankind is lost
We can no longer see the humanity for the people
Too many now
We scurry like ants beneath the feet of God headlong into oblivion
So soulless do we kill for no other reason than to see what it is like
Rusting tracks glide by, a hint of green on rotting sleepers
A hint of mother natures easy return
Her slight wink to those that know better
Mankind is but a whisper in time
A flea feasting on the blood of the universe
One day to be shaken off in final annoyance
by an entity we have sacrificed so many for, in the short millennia of our existence
To war century over century, fighting for nothing
Fighting for something
That never-ending desire to kill
To love
To fill the world with spawn to keep the blood line ticking along
In some false belief that we shall live forever if we do so
As Gods to our future generations, a rock to lean upon
Ten commandments to live by, to rule by
To kill by
The water laps silently through my window
I watch her gentle ebbs and flows, they seem stifled in the silent clackity clack of the trains constant motion
A mute child trying in vain to make the world understand her words
Hush now child, no more fussing
Lap against your shores,
Give us what we demand
Let us take without thought
Cut through the rolling fogs, and lonely hills covered in mist,
True beauty to behold, and the perfect route to the city
Selfishness and petty demands come from ignorant minds
I fear death, yet despise life
This pathetic version of what we call life at least
Fishermen stare blankly as my train flies by, no doubt laughing at all the cattle on their way to nowhere
How many in this cattle train look back at them with even a hint of envy?
How many even realize they were there?
We seem to gaze upon the world while never actually noticing its presence
Walking through life in a dream state of self destruction
We wait at a station on this pointless journey, and in silence a moth flies up to my window
As silent as the flowing waters, it sits upon the glass to show me the intricate marking upon its wings
Wings so fragile if I were to touch them they would cause her to fly no more
As always I am alone in this moment… the only one to notice
We trundle away towards the north, to continue my soul sucking journey
Lost now in the workings of my mind
Darkness creeps in, as the rising sun blinds my sight
I fear this coming night as I will once again go in search for my hotel ghosts
Towns pass by in a blur, each one swelling to the point of bursting
Nowhere is safe from mans never ending need to take over
To spread out
To conquer