Just wrote this, off the cuff, and haven’t edited it at all, thought I’d throw it up see if anyone thinks it’s any good 🙂

Rusting groans give way to rustling whispers of silence

The minds eye sings the national anthem ready to end for the night

No more does his mind wonder like it did, as a child

Racing over the plains a sturdy stick in hand

Screaming his lungs out of adventures accomplished

And others yet to come

Silence now….

He likes the silence now…

The trees make their arguments to the oncoming winds, leaves, like himself stand in defiance, holding on for their very lives…


He cares not anymore…

His mind was once a steal trap

His heart never missed a beat

To lose once single beat, was to lose the day…

Now he sits…

Rusting away…

Uncaring of those around him…

Still defiant, but now in his own way

A tree in the deepest winter

Leaves gone

As the snows come

Forcing the cogs to stop turning…


On my way home tonight I noticed a big cog from a machine way back when, half buried in someone yard….just got me thinking…