Wrote this a few weeks ago, had been drinking, and was in a very bad mood, slapped on the ear buds, cranked the music and did my thing.
Sometimes I reread what I write and wonder just where the fuck did that come from….?
To travel to the end of your own humanity, to find the goal that you always had thirst for
It’s a small thing really, the reality to your own soul
The truth behind the face you use every fucking day
That facade we create to show everyone we are happy
Or not pissed off by the words of others
We build the wall to show the world we are just as normal as they are
While they in turn continue to build their own walls
Sitting in silence as we
No different
Just with different beliefs…different views to the world
Some see it for its real worth
A worthless thing
A society of self-indulgent cunts that we fail to actually help those in a position less than our own
We build walls
We build worlds
To separate the lesser than ourselves
The keep their stench from entering our lives
Yet day after day…we smell them…. see them
We have no choice
They have no choice but to see me
As I them
And we look each other in the eyes, and do the silent nod
We know our place…. doesn’t mean we are going to stay there
Fuck that
We are who we are
We cannot ever control the inner being that refuses to emerge into the world in a blaze of glory due to fear of rejection from truth…
Heaven forbid we be who we are
Fuck you that I must explain my every move, my every action to justify your understandings of life
Yet here I sit on a bus and judge just the others
I become just the others
I am no different from them
Yet every night I pray to a dead god that I am different
I see it
Feel it
I know it once I go home and close the world out behind me
My stenches of the day lingering like an eel slipping between my feet searching for food
I hate it
I hate the day-to-day rat race
The constant job of making everyone happy, who once you’re done, do not care either way regardless
This world we have created is such a shit hole
The homeless suffer
While I watch
While those that can actually make a difference watch also
Hard to see us ants from such on high
I see it from my roadside penthouse
As do most of us
Yet we are no different
Do as they do
They just have a hell of a lot more money then we shall ever see
Yet we still live with their mentality
I find that sad…. some what disgusting truth be told
And yet again I am no different
We are all built from the same gene pool
Some are more from the shallow end
Those from the deep end….
They do as they wish
As we do once our time is given back to us
Trekking across the mountain ranges or the rivers that we all love so much
We are all hypocrites
We ignore just as much as they do
We hate just as they do
We sometimes throw a coin or two into cup and call it good
They throw a few million into a charity and claim a tax right off
Society is doomed
We are doomed because we refuse to acknowledge the truth
The truth not only about them, but also about ourselves
We are a putrid race
We devour
The only time we ever truly care is if our Wi-Fi goes out
Or the cable is crapping out and we can’t see our recent reality TV show that shows
Someone with the IQ of a loaf of bread earning more then you will ever see
Yet night after night we…. well you…watch their drivel
I’ve given up
I’m done with humanity
We are a lost cause
We could create such an amazing world
Yet refuse….
Because it doesn’t benefit us
Because there is no money in it
Will it make us famous?
So why bother?
We are as a race…quite pathetic…
It’s true
I don’t like it anymore than you…you do actually see the world for what it truly is… don’t you?
A place so plastic we could crack once the sun sets eyes upon us
The heat of the day splitting the flimsy façade we have created
This pathetic world we now live in
That sadly so many stand up and applauded like we have accomplished something amazing…
Something so grand….
Look around you…
Pat yourselves on the back for this amazing world we have created…wallow in it…like most do…
Because they have no money to find this new true beauty we call humanity…
Fuck Mother Nature…. bitch…
Stare not into the stars and become in awe
Do they make me rich?
Well fuck them
Once we created pictures of cities at night with their bright glory, and called them beauty…we lost the plot…. completely….
Once you look at a building and gasp in awe of such greatness…. while ignoring the actual amazement of this earth…. then you have become a lost cause…
As I have become…
I am no different…
I see the realties to this world…. yet….
I still live within the depths of it…
I’d like to say I have no choices….
But we all do…
It’s down to taking that one step
Most of us will never….
The fear rips at our hearts…our souls…
Mostly our wallets….
It’s true…
We fear the loss of money…. it is the siren of all wonderful things
It was always supposed to be….
Just incase you haven’t figured that one out already…. she is our love…
Male or female…
She becomes he…becomes she… a shell
Becomes that thing you always wanted
Would kill for
As it seems many do kill for it
Not just in our current society
It has been a love worth killing for, for centuries….
Millennia sadly….
So many religious people sit and cast down greed
Sexual desires
Yet they are by nature intertwined into the very things they cast down
They become…. or already were part of the thing they are trying to destroy….
And we swallow it hook, line, and sinker
Throw more money into the churches pot…clen’s your soul
For another week at least…
Homosexuals push their agenda to the point that homophobic ignorance whiplash twice as hard back at them
They in turn push their agenda that much harder…
Rinse and repeat…
All the while the soft sit on the sidelines gushing about how we should all just get along…while never doing a damn thing to change things…
They, you know…they are the ones who always shake their heads, and walk away…as always silent as ever…
Yet letting you know without hesitation you are a bad person for the actions you create…
Those that cough as they walk past a smoker…who is smoking an electronic cigarette
…It’s not about what you know…its about the point you want to make to those you think are below you…
By nature these days a smoker is below most people…
Cataloged next to child molesters and serial killers…
Second hand smoke…the real killer…. your accomplice….
As it’s always someone else’s fault…
We never take the blame…we just sue some poor bastard….
All the while posting someone else’s lies on Facebook, they create the image of their own personal views, slap on a famous face, and call it good…. Call it God?
Within minutes…. maybe an hour at its best it becomes viral…. a lie we make truth…. and be damned if the truth would ever to come out… it’s too boring…too real…
We want reality built around a creation of total fiction…we will die for it…. Call it pure evil…. all because the Internet told us so…
We are a glitch in time…
A fault in the bigger picture…
That annoying pixilation in the bigger picture…. a bug….
A virus….
We cause ripples in the pool…
When once if we really tried….
We could have caused waves…
A tsunami upon all of creation….
So sad we chose wealth….
Worthless desires
Yet that which we shall always desire…
Shall be the death of us all
I find it ironic that the National Enquirer has more truth in it than most mainstream magazines…
I find it sad…
That none of us at the end of the day really give a shit…
unless it benefits us…
And those who do….
Who are they again?
Faceless mannequins in an empty store
Leering for none to see…