2016…. been a while since I posted but life gets in the way, as most know how it do…


so today is the 14th and already David Bowie and fucking Alan Rickman are dead….seriously WTF??!! two people I garnished a lot of influence from during my youthful years, and even into my adulthood… so I’m in a mixed mood really… they both died of cancer as did my father (We had to promise to never mention it on Facebook, but this isn’t Facebook so nerr dad) the loss has actually hit me pretty personally even though I had never met either man in my life (aside from my father obviously) they became icons, a staple in the diet to our visual and audio senses…much like my father was… it was a constant… and now that constant is gone… like my father.

I was stunned when Robin Williams committed suicide… even felt a little bitter after the fact, but I didn’t live in his shoes, I had no idea the shit that was going on in his head, fuck me sideways no one could comprehend the shit that goes on in my head, and I only get depressed now and then… mind you when it’s then… it’s pretty dark… but my better half helps to keep those shadows at bay more so these days even though she doesn’t know it.

so into the future we go with two amazing people less… and yeah I know there’s normal folk out there that are pretty fucking amazing I get that, but they never made movies nor created albums… and if they did… I was unfortunate to not meet them to get the full grasp of just how amazing they were.

These thoughts (AKA drivel) are more of a what the fuck is going on? kinda thing… plus a meditation over an ice cold beer for where the fuck are we going in this world? terror is rampant, wars are raging, politics have become a seriously fucked up joke across the board, people spent literally over a Million dollars a minute yesterday for Powerball tickets (I spent $2 for one line…sue me) but what if we actually did that for the homeless?…. if there wasn’t some kind of get rich quick gain in the end?  fuck help the struggling soldiers coming home from yet another fucked up war… we all ignore that shit, but are more than willing to race to 7/11 or Plaid to spent $150 in fucking pointless paper, I left my local 7/11 one pathetic ticket in hand with one puny $2 line printed on it, more for the entertainment aspect of it… like fuck I was going to win (I didn’t fyi) but a woman came out behind me with a thick wedge of tickets… she must have spent hundreds on the fucking thing… I bought one line coz I figure If I’m supposed to win it… one line is all it takes, so now a shit ton of broke people are now even more broke…….

This world is heading down a road I’m not wanting to visit these days… and it’s times like this I feel bad for partaking in bringing my son into the world (I say partake as I only delivered the sperm not the actual child.. which is kinda fucked up when you think about it, men enjoy the deposit… women are in utter agony with the withdrawal) but anyway… 2016 has started out pretty fucked up… I can only hope it gets better…

Alas I feel it wont… as is the nature of mankind… with Bowie and now Alan Rickman gone stirring thoughts of my own fathers death I feel this world is coming into some changes… and I doubt very highly we are going to like them…

