Cattle Train

I wrote this on one of my last trips up to Seattle, I had to go(very begrudgingly I must add)  2-3 days a week on Amtrak for 6 months to cover after we lost an employee (never could find him) but the trip in most cases was bloody terrible, almost always late from an...


A poem I wrote….2004 I think, I remember my son 3 going on 4 had gotten into his inquisitive stage, asking question after question about everything, and all things. It was that first night when this poem rushed through my mind, and reminded me of that one moment...


For some reason Hotels these days kind of creep me out, I’m always wondering who’s been in here before me, what manner of virus did they leave behind are they still alive? or did fate catch them that foggy morning at the cross roads? HOTEL GHOSTS The semi...