by CD | Feb 27, 2014 | Random Sh*t
A random thought, has, as they always do popped into my head. I have many thoughts that race through, sometimes I don’t even realize I had them until ten minutes later. Yet that old thought of self reflection, popped in, and promptly sat down on a couch I...
by CD | Jan 1, 2014 | Random Sh*t
So!! where I am sitting it is….9.04PM here on the West Coast of America… It’s New Years eve, the fire works are going off outside as they do every year. Normally……and my girlfriend pointed out an important fact that I’ll get...
by CD | Nov 28, 2013 | Random Sh*t
November 28th just another day for most of the world, unless you live in America. Today in the USA is Thanksgiving day, a day for the family to come together and be thankful for what they have in this life, well for many they still do that, for most it is now a reason...
by CD | Nov 6, 2013 | Random Sh*t
A harsh title I think, but one I realized this afternoon. I did my usual routine, getting up late for work because I’m not a fan of the rat race, so any time I can keep away from it the better. I got the bus, drank my coffee, watched the people on my bus,...
by CD | Sep 22, 2013 | Random Sh*t
Winters coming!! It is with mixed emotions that I sit here at my desk. The rain is pouring down, as the winds rip through the trees, I watch the fresh autumn leaves scatter to the four winds, too early their time to die. I’m a sun whore by nature, I grew up in...
by CD | Aug 9, 2013 | Random Sh*t
I over heard a conversation last week…… I lie….I eavesdropped on someone conversation last week, don’t judge me, it’s what writers do. The basics of this conversation was “Comics aren’t written by real writers” I was to...