Looking back on life

A random thought, has, as they always do popped into my head. I have many thoughts that race through, sometimes I don’t even realize I had them until ten minutes later. Yet that old thought of self reflection, popped in, and promptly sat down on a couch I...

Thanksgiving and other rambling crap

November 28th just another day for most of the world, unless you live in America. Today in the USA is Thanksgiving day, a day for the family to come together and be thankful for what they have in this life, well for many they still do that, for most it is now a reason...

Don’t put off today, you could be dead tomorrow…

A harsh title I think, but one I realized this afternoon. I did my usual routine, getting up late for work because I’m not a fan of the rat race, so any time I can keep away from it the better.   I got the bus, drank my coffee, watched the people on my bus,...

Brace yourself…..

Winters coming!! It is with mixed emotions that I sit here at my desk. The rain is pouring down, as the winds rip through the trees, I watch the fresh autumn leaves scatter to the four winds, too early their time to die. I’m a sun whore by nature, I grew up in...

What makes a writer a writer?

I over heard a conversation last week…… I lie….I eavesdropped on someone conversation last week, don’t judge me, it’s what writers do. The basics of this conversation was “Comics aren’t written by real writers” I was to...